

来自:本站 发布时间:2023-04-18 17:32:03 点击量:

加拿大公共服务联盟主席克里斯·艾尔沃德 (Chris Aylward)将4月18日晚上9点定为谈判的最后期限,否则他将“授权从美国东部时间4月19日星期三凌晨12:01开始全国大罢工,所有155000名PSAC成员都为这两个机构工作-加拿大税务局和财政部委员会。

加拿大公共服务联盟 (PSAC) 领导层表示,如果在美国东部时间周二晚上9点之前未达成协议,所有处于合法罢工位置的工人将在周三举行罢工。

它的谈判团体——约35000名加拿大税务局 (CRA) 员工中的一个,另一个分布在20 多个部门和机构的约120000名员工中的另一个——在罢工投票后的上周,每个人都进入了合法的罢工立场。

PSAC表示,由于基本工人被排除在外,加拿大各地可能会有超过 100,000 名工人失业,从而影响一系列服务。


他说这是设定最后期限,因为达成协议的时间太长了。这些合同于 2021 年到期。









PSAC公开声明的重点已经转移。最近,它想谈论由于生活成本上涨而导致工资 上涨,并表示政府的提议未能满足其需求。

它希望财政部委员会的工作人员在三年内加薪 4.5%。




艾尔沃德表示,政府向财政部委员会提供的最新报价是劳工委员会 2 月份的建议 :2021 年 1.5%,2022 年 4.5%,2023 年 3%。



它还表示,它已经对 PSAC 的其他提案和 PSAC 的一些“要求……将严重影响政府向加拿大人提供服务的能力,并将限制其有效管理公共服务部门员工的能力”提出合理的反建议。

它说 PSAC 的远程工作职位就是一个例子。

周一,当被问及谈判的最新情况时,财政部委员会主席莫娜·福捷 (Mona Fortier) 几乎没有给出任何见解,称双方“目前正在谈判”。

PSAC CRA 工作人员定于本周进行调解。据工会称,财政部委员会小组上周与政府进行了交谈,并仍在讨论中。

他们可以在 6 月初之前的任何时间采取工作行动,并且法律上不需要发出通知。

艾尔沃德表示,PSAC 承诺留在谈判桌前达成协议以避免罢工。他说,周三的任何纠察队都将在全国各地的“战略”地点举行,以针对政府并尽量减少对公众的影响。



Public Service Alliance of Canada president Chris Aylward sets 9 p.m. on April 18 as the deadline for negotiations, otherwise he is ‘authorizing a national general strike beginning at 12:01 a.m. ET Wed., April 19, for all 155,000 PSAC members working for both the Canada Revenue Agency and Treasury Board.’Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) leadership says all workers in a legal strike position will strike Wednesday if they don't reach an agreement by 9 p.m. ET Tuesday.

Its bargaining groups — one of about 35,000 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) workers, the other of about 120,000 staff spread across more than 20 departments and agencies — each moved into legal strike positions last week after strike votes.

With essential workers factored out, PSAC said more than 100,000 workers could walk off the job across Canada, affecting a range of services.

National PSAC president Chris Aylward said in a Monday morning news conference that the union and the government have made "some progress" over the last two weeks but are still too far apart on key issues such as wages, job security and remote work.

He said it's setting the deadline because it's taking too long to reach a deal. These contracts expired in 2021.

·When, where and why federal workers could strike

The federal government has communicated, and did again in a Monday statement from the Treasury Board, it is seeking "agreements that are fair to public servants and reasonable for taxpayers."

"We have a good offer on the table, and there is enough common ground to reach consensus on renewed collective agreements for our employees," it said of its talks with that larger group of PSAC workers known as the Treasury Board unit.

Gov't says its raise is fair

PSAC's publicly stated focus has shifted. Lately, it's wanted to talk about rising wages because of the higher cost of living and says the government's offers have fallen short of its needs.

It wants a 4.5 per cent raise over three years for Treasury Board workers.


·Pay hikes, yes, but here's what else federal public servants have asked for


Aylward said the latest government offer to the Treasury Board unit was what was recommended by a labour board in February: 1.5 per cent in 2021, 4.5 per cent for 2022 and three per cent for 2023.

The government's statement called that labour board's recommendation, which it turned into an offer on Sunday, "fair and competitive."

It also said it has made reasonable counter-proposals to other PSAC proposals and some of PSAC's "demands … would severely impact the Government's ability to deliver services to Canadians and would limit its ability to effectively manage employees within the public service."

It said PSAC's remote work positions are one example.

Asked Monday for an update on negotiations, Treasury Board president Mona Fortier gave little insight, saying the two sides are "currently negotiating."

PSAC CRA workers are scheduled for mediation this week. The Treasury Board group talked with the government last week and remains at the table, according to the union.

They can take job action anytime until early June and are not legally required to give notice.

Aylward said PSAC is committed to remaining at the table to reach a deal to avoid a strike. Any pickets Wednesday would be at "strategic" locations across the country to target the government and minimize impact on the public, he said.

He called on the NDP to continue its support and for the government to avoid using back-to-work legislation.

Asked Monday afternoon by CBC whether the government has back-to-work legislation ready to go, Justice Minister David Lametti declined to comment.


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