

来自:本站 发布时间:2023-04-13 18:47:23 点击量:

  摘要:巴西财政部部长Fernando Haddad近日宣布,政府将很快出台相关政策,取消对跨境平台购物低于50美元免税的政策,其中包括了速卖通、SHEIN、Wish、Shopee等外国平台。



    确认UOL新闻门户网站周日首次发布的信息后,税务局表示,法人实体和个人货物之间的待遇将不再有任何区别,国际订单将按现有的60%的价值征税。该措施预计将使Lojas Renner、Magazine Luiza和MercadoLibre等本地零售商受益,此前该行业普遍抱怨来自亚洲巨头的不公平竞争,例如阿里巴巴集团旗下的全球速卖通、Shein和Sea旗下的Shopee有限公司



  财政部长费尔南多·哈达德已经表示,政府将很快推出针对那些不纳税的人的税收措施,以增加收入和改善公共账户。哈达德强调,“一两个全球参与者”将他们的电子商务伪装成个人对个人的运输,以避免纳税。他补充说,打击这种被哈达德称为“走私”的做法,预计将为政府带来70亿至80亿雷亚尔的新收入 .

Brazil to end tax exemption on international orders, targeting Asian e-commerce giants


BRASILIA, April 12 (Reuters) - Brazil's government announced on Tuesday it would end a tax exemption on international orders up to $50 as part of an effort to tax purchases from global retail giants.The revenue service said that the exemption never applied to e-commerce but only to shipments from individual to individual, and had been "widely and fraudulently used for sales made by foreign companies."


Confirming information first published by the UOL news portal on Sunday, the revenue service said that there would no longer be any distinction in treatment between legal entities and individuals' shipments, with international orders subject to the existing 60% taxation on their value.The measure is expected to benefit local retailers such as Lojas Renner, Magazine Luiza and Mercado Libre, and comes after widespread complaints from the sector about unfair competition from Asian giants such as AliExpress, owned by Alibaba Group, Shein, and Shopee, owned by Sea Ltd.


Finance Minister Fernando Haddad had already stated that the government would soon unveil tax measures aimed at those who were not paying taxes in order to boost revenue and improve public accounts.


Haddad emphasized that "one or two global players" were disguising their e-commerce as person-to-person shipments to avoid paying taxes. Combating this practice, which Haddad called "smuggling," is expected to generate 7 billion to 8 billion reais in new revenue for the government, he added. (Reporting by Marcela Ayres; Editing by Steven Grattan, William Maclean)


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